ESTIMATED time 45 minutes

It is recommended that the CLIENT NEEDS ASSESSMENT always be done first before we look at other offerings.

Believe it or not there is SCIENCE behind colour and its effects.

The season you are determines the colour palette your should stick to when selecting clothing.

I show you how to choose colours to fit all occasions by determining your season, this includes makeup choice.

I love doing a colour analysis with clients - the facial expressions when they discover the are wearing the wrong colours and that orange suits them is priceless. 

To do a colour analysis we follow the below steps: 

      Place fabric under your chin so that your neck line and upper chest are are covered. 
Close your eyes and then open, what was noticed first, your face or the color?
If it was your face you have a good color choice.
If it was the color you saw first it is not one for you.
You will know the right color, it will stay in the background and your face will be noticed before the color.


      We work on seasons - Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn. Once we discover what season you are we can start looking at clothes and make up in this range, it is important to note that one of the colours we have chosen may not be as flattering to your body as it was to your face. I will provide you with a report highlighting what we discussed and agreed to be your best colours. I additionally have on offer your own personal colour palettes which can be purchased.

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